Mary Kate Keppler

Mary Kate Keppler Photo

Mary Kate Keppler has lived in the Chicagoland area for nearly 20 years and is a second-generation broker. She understands and practices the required dedication and professionalism that are needed to ensure her clients’ experiences are as seamless as possible. Mary Kate is devoted to helping her clients by not only finding them the best home to fit their needs, but also to making sure that they enjoy the process along the way.   Mary Kate is originally from the suburb of Hinsdale. Before she moved downtown to the city, she lived in Manhattan for several years and graduated from New York University. She spends much of her free time walking around and exploring Chicago. She finds that it is the best way to become knowledgeable about the city and loves discovering everything that Chicago has to offer. In addition, Mary Kate enjoys writing and has had several plays produced in Chicago and New York.

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